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We are advised to save as much of our income as possible, but it is easier said than done. When you want to save money for milestones in life, it becomes crucial to do it slowly but consistently instead of attempting to make huge savings. Here are some simple strategies where you can save money every day.

Track your expenses. This is the primary first step when you want to save – know where you are spending. This way, you can know which payments are mandatory and unavoidable and where you can curb the costs. Tracking can be done in a conservative manner, like maintaining an expense diary, or you can use many tools and apps available in today’s digital age. The goal here is to know where you are spending and how much.

Create a budget. Once you know your mandatory spending, you can whip up a budget for yourself. Map your income and expenses and allocate a monthly or weekly budget for yourself. Ensure you also accommodate predictable but irregular expenses like upcoming vacations, birthdays, events, etc.

Shop smarter. This can include things like bulk-buying non-perishable products, which are necessities because they can come cheaper. You can also plan your shopping during sales, use coupons, and go for generic products rather than expensive brands. Be observant, compare prices, and shop mindfully.

Indulge at home. Entertainment and relaxation are necessary in our stressful lives. But happiness doesn’t always need to cost money. Find hobbies that don’t require much investment or utilities. Cook more at home and only go out on special occasions or pre-planned outings. Have friends over or visit them rather than going out to expensive clubs. Start with small but sure changes that will replace the spending but provide you with comfort.

Automate savings. Try a ‘save first, spend later’ agenda. As soon as you get your income, ensure a certain percentage goes towards the savings before you get your cash to spend. This can help you automatically curb your expenses and can also take off the stress of needing to save later. Incorporate that into your planned budgets.

Educate yourself. Financial literacy is a necessary evil. The better you know about efficient ways to spend or fruitful investment options, the better your savings will get. Ask help from professionals, observe how people around you do their everyday savings, and ask questions about matters you don’t understand.