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Economic Impacts of Pandemics

Although a pandemic can cause a contraction in the economy, once the pandemic ends, the economy can rebound. The lockdowns can lead to a ripple effect that brings spending in many markets to a standstill. This is especially true for travel, tourism, and other...

Establishing Initial Business Credit

Establishing your initial business credit is an important step to gaining access to resources that you may need to run your business. It can give you cash flow and help you buy goods, pay your employees, or take care of your bills. When a business doesn’t have access...

How to Optimize Accounts Payable

Most businesses don’t spend very much time on their accounts payable until there is an issue. However, when you optimize this department, you can find ways to save on bulk purchases and other supplier agreements. You also gain control over your cash flow, and this...

Common Accounting Mistakes Small Businesses Make

Accounting in any business, let alone small businesses, is one of the most important aspects. That doesn’t mean simply keeping the books for tax purposes. It means identifying waste, theft, and fraud while saving money. So, for a small business, it is important to...